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Manufacturing in British Columbia

British Columbia (B.C.) recognizes the value of a diverse and resourceful manufacturing industry. B.C.’s manufacturing industry has transitioned towards a systematic process of production that involves focusing on creating much higher products based on innovation, new designs and advanced manufacturing techniques. With our abundant natural resources, transportation networks, and steady supply of creative and skilled graduates contributing to the workforce, B.C. is ready to support new and growing manufacturing operations.

Viking Air Aerospace Employee

B.C. realized $51.5 billion in manufacturing shipments in 2020

B.C. Government
5 Yrs

5 years running for the fastest-growing manufacturing sector in Canada in terms of GDP

B.C. Government

Manufacturing accounted for 61% of B.C.’s total exports in 2018

B.C. Government

B.C. Advantages


Support programs provide funding for initiatives such as industry-led research projects, trades-training and support skills training for employees to adapt to the changing requirements of jobs and the labour market.


B.C.’s support for innovation ranges from market development initiatives in the forestry sector to programs to fund innovative technologies in the natural resources and applied sciences sectors.


The manufacturing sector has the biggest economic footprint in B.C., with over 12,000 B.C. companies supporting more than 400,000 direct and indirect jobs.

We Can Help

At Trade and Invest British Columbia we can provide up-to-date information about the business environment in British Columbia for business seeking to expand to Canada. We can also assist with planning your visit to business locations throughout the province, including available sites and facilities, with introductions to community leaders.